About Mark

Mark Porteous

Empowering YOU to Share Your Gifts with the World

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”20″ font_font=”Alice”]Marks-head-shot-214×300Mark Porteous is the “Step Up, Stand Out and Be Heard” mentor for messengers who are inspired to share their unique gifts for transforming the lives of others while creating greater freedom, meaning and joy for themselves.

Mark empowers soul driven entrepreneurs, authors, speakers, coaches, and healers to reach a larger audience, so they can thrive in their mission. He co-founded the Inspired Messengers Network as a collaborative community of emerging visionaries, change agents and thought leaders working together to support others on their life path. Mark believes we are all spiritual beings who have chosen this life for a reason and that living in alignment with your purpose is the most exciting and rewarding adventure imaginable.

In his book, Maximizing Your Human Experience; A Personalized Travel Guide for Your Journey of Life, Mark shares powerful tools to navigate your path toward self actualization and his personal understanding of manifestation to create the joyous life you truly desire. Fueled by his vision of humanity’s return to a state of oneness, a world where we all recognize our connection to each other and all that surrounds us, Mark is on a mission to accelerate the shift in social consciousness from our current state of “fear and separation” to our natural state of “love and unity.” He practices a two prong approach to achieve his mission, personal development and service to others.

Mark lives in Central Florida with his wife Renee and their twins Xen and Eden. Mark and Renee work as a team operating the Inspired Messenger’s Network.[/text_block]

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