Helping You Build the
Connections You Need to
Thrive in Your Divine Purpose

Because you're here, you are likely looking for "soulful" ways to
take your business to the next level

No matter where you are on your path, we can help you get to the next level. Take this quick Soulful Leadership Assessment to help you discover where you are on track toward your goals and get crystal clear around what missing pieces are holding you back from experiencing the abundance you desire.



Hi, I’m Mark Porteous; the Soul Connector.

My stand is for ALL people to recognize themselves as Divine Beings who have chosen the human experience for a reason and to live in alignment with that knowing, so they can THRIVE in their purpose of transforming lives.

I help mission driven entrepreneurs to make their Soul Connections so that they can impact and change the world, scale their businesses to six and seven figures, and enjoy thrilling Soul Success in every arena of their lives.

There are three types of connection that I can help you to develop
for the fullest expression of yourself.

First, to Connect with Your Inner Being - who you really are. This is your direct connection to Source Energy.

Second to Connect with Your Divine Purpose - Why you chose to be here and how to live your mission while creating, freedom, abundance and joy in your own life.

And third, to Connect with Your Divine Tribe which includes your Perfect Customers, Your Dream Team and Your Affiliate Ambassadors.

Your journey begins with personal awareness.

You’ve been on a life long trek of self-discovery, learning more and more about who you are so you can BE all you came here to be and DO what you came here to do.

Soul Connections that Support Your Mission

Connect to Who You Are at Soul Level

Before you can design a strategy to support your mission, it’s important to know who you REALLY are, who you are here to serve,  and how you can best support them on their journey.

The quick Soulful Leadership Assessment is designed to help you discover where you are on track toward your goals and get crystal clear around what missing pieces are holding you back from experiencing the abundance you desire. It's an important step in creating the breakthrough I believe you are wanting.

Do you have the following....

  • Clarity about who your ideal client is and know their dreams, desires, blocks and challenges?
  • Proven processes that automatically moves qualified clients into your products or programs?
  • A support team that takes care of the launch details so you can focus on creating partnerships and delivering value?
  • A joint venture offer that compensates and inspires others to help spread the news about who you are and what you offer?
  • A network of people who help you navigate the ups and downs of growing your business and stepping further into your purpose, so you don’t feel alone?

Dive in now and take this quick 4 minute assessment to discover your results and receive  important next steps based on where you are today.

Connect with Your Divine Purpose

One of the highest expressions of who you are and your contribution to humanity is your work.

Financial success in your business will not fill your soul, if it’s not in alignment with who you really are. In fact no thing you have or do can fill the hole in your soul when you are out of alignment with the desires of your inner being.

Discover a new way of being in business that aligns with your Values, Vision and Mission.

By building a business on profit you can design your company to make money. By building your mission-based business on a foundation of your core values and developed with support from the Seven Pillars for Thriving in Your Purpose, you will build a company that makes a difference AND a profit.

At our inner core we are ALL connected to source - This is our true “Being.”

When we start with “Being” ALL our “Doing” becomes inspired action. Inspired action is far more powerful than force of will. You will see incredible results when your “Doing” directly reflects your “Being.”

As "The Soul Connector", I guide transformational leaders – authors, speakers, coaches and healers – to thrive in their Divine purpose of transforming lives. Whether clients engage in private consulting or contribute to the Soul Affiliate Alliance as members or collaborators, they grow their audience, enroll new clients, and scale their businesses to make a greater impact in the world while creating more freedom, abundance and joy in their own lives.

The people in my Divine Tribe share my conviction to accelerate the shift in social consciousness from our current state of fear and the illusion of separation, to our natural state of love and deep connection. As the #1 best-selling author of Soulful Leadership: A Spiritual Path to Health, Wealth and Love, I walk that talk and inspire my readers, viewers, members, and clients to do the same.

Connect with Your Soul Tribe

Cultivating relationships is the greatest Investment you can make for you and your business!

The more automated our society becomes, the more we crave human connection.

As humanity continues to grow into a global community we are experiencing a shift in social consciousness from “me” to “we.”

I used to think that it was just a phenomenon experienced in my circle of evolutionary thinkers, but social indicators and business marketing studies confirm that this is not an isolated experience at all. Major companies like Whole Foods, Apple, Toyota and many others have changed their approach from “exclusivity” to the “collective.”

Ultimately, what’s good for “the whole” is also better for each individual.

The success of your business depends on your ability to have these specific influences on these three types of relationships.

  • Attract, Enroll and Transform Your PERFECT Customers
  • Design, Manifest and Lead your Dream Team
  • Magnetize and Inspire Your Affiliate Ambassadors

Praise and Testimonials

The weekend with Mark Porteous was outstanding and there was such a high caliber of people in the room. The connections have been amazing! The amount of information that we got was really helping a lot of the people in the room to be able to take their lives and businesses to the next level. It was such an honor and a privilege to be part of this group. So, if you get the opportunity to work with Mark Porteous, I highly recommend it. He's a man that really comes from his heart and his soul that has your true intention, your wellbeing and the people that you serve at heart."

Natalie Ledwell  Mind Movies

"Mark Porteous attracts the most intellectual, spiritual and loving people who are up to making a difference on this planet. If you are somebody who has a movement and you want to be part of a tribe that is aligned and has vision, you want to be at Mark Porteous' event!"

Afrin Khan   Red Elephant Inc.

The JV’s I met through Mark Porteous enabled me to grow my community/email list from 2,000 to 5,000 within less than 6 months of the day he and I started working together (and this could have happened even faster if I didn’t disappear to Bali for two months in the middle of our project).During my past two years of rapid personal, spiritual and business growth, Mark has been among the top few individuals who have had the greatest positive impact on my life and career. AND, I owe 2 of my other top 5 most important personal and professional relationships directly to Mark, as well as several other productive JVs and mutually supportive friendships. Wow. Total game-changer!

Edward Mannix  Creator of the Compassion Key

I found that the time it took to find the right JV partners was excruciating and without a relationship or an intro we just didn’t get great results. I found Mark Porteous  and he has been AMAZING! He came up with a list of potential JV partners and then wrote an introduction and sent it out. The best part is that he has great relationships that he leveraged on my behalf making it really easy. My first call was with a JV with a list of 60,000 people and is promoting me on 10/20. How stellar is that?!

Rebecca Walker - Cambati Wellness Center

A Soulful Leader . . .

Provides a Clear Vision in Alignment with Their Highest Truth
Takes Inspired Action
Seeks the Good of the Whole
Leads with Love and Compassion
Empowers Others through a Culture of “We”

Demonstrates Morality
Values Integrity and Honesty
Walks Their Talk
Keeps an Open Mind to New Ideas
Practices a Beginner's Mind—always Eager to Learn

Collaborates Well with Others
Communicates Clearly
Appreciates Honest Feedback and Performance Review
Speaks and Listens from Their Heart
Honors Differences and Inspires Hope.

If that sounds like you, YOUR leadership is needed! 

Change is here now.
We have real work to do.

Complacency is no longer an option if we want to create a world of love together. 

Soulful Leadership starts with you.

The choices you make every day really do matter.  

Now is the time to step fully into your Soulful Leadership.

Download your copy of  
The D.I.S.C.E.R.N.™ Process

The D.I.S.C.E.R.N.™process is a comprehensive approach to partnership curation that prioritizes due diligence, alignment of intent, strategic fit, compatibility, expertise assessment, risk mitigation, and network analysis.